No one has ever done anything incredible by being conventional

Anticonventional Thinking (ACT)

Getting Started



Cartoon: Actually, Criticising Ideas Is Good for Creativity
Actually, Criticising Ideas Is Good for Creativity
People have long assumed criticising ideas in a brainstorm inhibits creativity. Research and experience shows that is wrong By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Cartoon: Thought Experiments for Innovation
Thought Experiments for Innovation
Creative scientists have long used thought experiments to develop ideas. Innovation leaders should do so too. I explain. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Reflections After the Brussels Bombing (22 March 2016)
Jeffrey Baumgartner reflects on the terrorist attacks in Brussels on 23 March 2016. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Cartoon: if you are stuck for ideas, choose a random word from a book...
Nine creative thinking tips that use diversity
Nine tips for coming up with creative ideas when you are stuck for ideas. All of the suggestions use diversity of thought to provoke creativity. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Six Things That Suck the Life Out of Corporate Creativity
Although most companies employ lots of creative people, they also do things that suck the creativity out of their employees. We look at six examples of this and what you can do about it. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

A Quick and Dirty Introduction to the Anticonventional Thinking Process
If you'd like to try out anticonventional thinking (ACT), read this! It explains the ACT process and how to run an ACT session By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Innovation Has Feelings
Learn how acknowledging, understanding and using feelings in your innovation process is a successful stategy By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

The Magic of Multilevel Questions
Anticonventional thinking, brainstorming, ideas campaigns are based around a question or challenge. But why stop at one question? Multilevel questions can be incredibly effective. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Too Many Ideas? Make a Plan Instead.
Too Many Ideas? Make a Plan Instead
Does your organisation generate too many ideas that never seem to go anywhere? If so, stop generating ideas and start generating creative plans. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

cartoon: Percy Smothers submits 567 ideas - but all of them boring
Collecting Ideas Is Killing Your Innovation
If your innovation process is about capturing lots of ideas, you are making a serious mistake. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

cartoon: floating staff meeting
Dare to Be Anticonventional
We live and work in cultures that encourage conventional behaviour, appearance and thinking. For the most part, that is fine and dandy. But when you want to be creative, you need to be less conventional. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Bosses in Brainstorms
It is the nightmare of every brainstorm facilitator: the boss joins in and then criticises an idea. When this happens, most facilitators do the wrong thing. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

10 Ways to Solve Problems
Got a problem? Here are ten different methods you can use to solve it. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Got a Problem? Dance!
Dynamic problem solving is a new approach to understanding and solving problems, especially problems involving several individuals. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

My anticonventional thinking talk at TEDx
I spoke about anticonventional thinking at TEDxULB. Here is the video. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Podcast Interview
I Speak with Mukesh Gupta about Creativity, Innovation and Anticonventional Thinking By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

ACT 3.0 White Paper
A new, updated white paper on anticonventional thinking (ACT). Download link. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

ACT vs Brainstorming
A brief comparison between anticonventional thinking (ACT) and brainstorming. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Anticonventional Questions
Most creative thinking methodologies start by asking questions about a situation where you want to have creative ideas. Anticonventional thinking (ACT) takes this even further! By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

An Introduction to Anticonventional Thinking
Anticonventional thinking (ACT) is a thinking technique that you can use to analyse situations and build creative visions in response to those situations. ACT is purposefully rejecting conventional thinking and pursuing unconventional ideas. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Idealess Ideation
Most business innovation actions result in lots of ideas and little implementation. Try these techniques to generate visions that are ready to implement. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

How to Get Great Ideas from Your Team
Brainstorms, ideas campaigns and other corporate ideation activities are artificial processes designed to induce creativity. There is a better way... By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

An Anticonventional Presentation Story
Learn how a business owner uses anticonventional thinking to make a winning presentation and win a big contract By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

To Be a Winner, You Need to Be Unconventional
This may seem obvious, but the problem with conventional thinking is that it does not lead to truly new ideas, creativity or innovation. For these, you need to flush conventional thinking down the toilet and be unconventional. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Inner-Mind Creativity Introduction
Inner mind creativity, also known as Cosmic Creativity, teaches you to use the most powerful creativity tool on the planet: your mind! By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

How to Implement Your Creative Vision
Having ideas is easy. Having creative visions is harder. Turning them into innovations is most challenging of all. But never fear, I have a method for you! By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Video: Creativity & Beer: Brainstorming vs. Anticonventional Thinking
Over a beer, Jeffrey talks about creativity, brainstorming and anticonventional thinking. And he gets shot at! By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) Infographic & Poster
Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) Infographic: check it out; buy the poster� By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Archived Introduction to Anticonventional Thinking
Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) is a new science based approach to individual and collaborative creative thinking. If you've been disappointed with brainstorming, you'll appreciate ACT's logical, proven approach to developing creative ideas. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Creative Event Generates THREE Ideas!
Discover why Jeffrey is excited about generating three ideas when many brainstorms and crowdsourcing events generate 100s and 1000s of ideas. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Where Do You Put the Creativity?
If you want creative ideas, do not focus your creativity on the idea generation. Focus it on the goal statment By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Implement Big Ideas with Baby Steps
Personal development planning can teach innovators a thing or two about implementing creative ideas and change. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Boring Ideas and Boring Dinner Guests
Brainstorming and other creative thinking approaches require you generate a lot of conventional ideas in order to start finding creative ideas. Jeffrey disagrees. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Anticonventional Thinking and Implementation
Anticonventional thinking (ACT) makes implementation easy, in part because it focuses on developing a big idea to achieve a goal. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Video: A Quick Introduction to ACT
Video: A quick, two minute introdction to anticonventional thinking (ACT) By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

A Simple Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) Exercise
A variation on a traditional creative thinking exercise helps you try out ACT By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

The Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) Method (2.0)
Anticonventional thinking (ACT) is a new approach to achieving goals through creative thinking. Learn more! By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Problem-Free, Idea-Free Creative Thinking
Think in an Anticonventional Way: Stop Searching for the �Idea� and the �Problem� as the Backbones of Team Creative Thinking By Fernando Cardoso de Sousa -- Read the article...

Anticonventional Decisions
Whenever you are faced with a decision you are, by definition, facing multiple choices. Jeffrey argues you should opt for the unconventional choices By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Video: Core Tenets of Anticonventional Thinking No. 1
The first of a series of videos to be made on the core tenets of anticonventional thinking (ACT). This video provides a very quick introduction to ACT and the first core tenet. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Solving Personal Problems with Anticonventional Thinking
Anticonventional thinking is not just for business problems. You can also apply it to personal problems as this article demonstrates By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

The Seven Core Tenets of Anticonventional Thinking
Anticonventional thinking is a new approach to creativity that is based on current research. Here are the seven core tenets to anticonventional thinking By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Download Free eBooklet on Anticonventional Thinking
Download the 17 page eBooklet on anticonventional thinking and learn more about this powerful idea generation and development process. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

Jeffrey on Anticonventional Thinking
Jeffrey Baumgartner talks briefly about anti conventional thinking following the 2011 European Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Faro, Portugal By Baumgartner Jeffrey -- Read the article...

Visual Brainstorming
Traditional verbal brainstorming is being increasingly seen as ineffective. Visual brainstorming, that is brainstorming using objects, images and actions, is usually highly effective. By Jeffrey Baumgartner -- Read the article...

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Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




My other web projects

My other web projects 100s of articles, videos and cartoons on creativity - possibly useful things I have learned over the years. reflections on international living and travel. - paintings, drawings, photographs and cartoons by Jeffrey