Cartoon: team leader oversees anticonventional thinking questions session

Anticonventional Thinking (ACT) Questions Tool 


If you and your team need to get creative, try out these anticonventional thinking (ACT) questions. Their purpose is to help you analyse a situation (where you need creative ideas) and then to expand your thinking about the situation. The result should be new insights into your situation and new inspiration for creative ideas.

To get started, just click the start button. Initially, you will be given a series of analytical and emotional questions. Please answer them all among yourselves. Then, you will see random ACT questions. Answer as many of them as you wish.





I recommend you use this tool with your team. Use a projector or a computer with a large screen so that everyone can see the questions. Then go through the questions one by one, answering them and talking about them. The ACT questions do not necessarily have right or wrong answers, so it's okay if you do not reach consensus on all of them.

I recommend one person in the group takes notes.

You can also use this tool on your own with on a mobile telephone.



Terms of Use

By using this tool, you agree to the terms of use, which are super simple.

You are absolutely free to use this with your own team and/or with clients. You are not permitted to make a copy of the tools or parts of the tool (such as a list of ACT questions) to use with your own team and/or clients.

If you are ready and agree to the terms of use, click here and let's get started.


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Creative Jeffrey logo

Jeffrey Baumgartner
Bwiti bvba

Erps-Kwerps (near Leuven & Brussels) Belgium




My other web projects

My other web projects 100s of articles, videos and cartoons on creativity - possibly useful things I have learned over the years. reflections on international living and travel. - paintings, drawings, photographs and cartoons by Jeffrey