Imagine waking up with headaches and mouth irritation all the time. It can be very disruptive to your day. Worse, you might be completely unaware of what is causing it. Here is an idea, it could be nocturnal teeth grinding.

Yes, nocturnal teeth grinding, also called bruxism, can cause some pretty peculiar and seemingly unrelated health problems. It can be particularly hard to realize you grind your teeth at night since you are asleep. Here is all you need to know about nocturnal teeth grinding.

5 Health Problems Caused By Nocturnal Teeth Grinding You Probably Didn’t Know

From tooth damage and headaches, bruxism can cost several problems. Some problems are very hard to associate with nocturnal teeth grinding as well. Read about all the problems this can cause:

Tooth Damage

Tooth damage is the most common problem caused by nocturnal teeth grinding. You slowly chip away at your teeth as you grind them at night. It can slowly grind down the enamel, which is the protective top coating of your teeth.

And when the enamel is damaged, it opens doors for various complications. For example, you are more prone to cavities. Additionally, grinding your teeth can put pressure upwards of 250 pounds!

That is honestly kind of insane. The immense pressure can throw off your teeth’ alignment and give you a ‘bad bite.’ A ‘bad bite’ is when the pressure of your bite is not distributed evenly. Therefore, some teeth endorse more force than others.

Masticatory Muscle Hypertrophy

Yes, it is a scary-sounding name. Masticatory Muscle Hypertrophy is caused by bruxism, where your jaw and cheek muscles enlarge. As you might imagine, this can significantly change your appearance.

Not to be too out there, but when your facial muscles enlarge, you often look very puffy and end up with a square and harsh appearance. Grinding your teeth can also alter your appearance in other obvious ways. You might chip your tooth, and that will look odd and embarrassing.

Jaw Problems

Another problem that might surprise you about bruxism is jaw pain. The pain specifically originates in the temporomandibular joint, also called the TMJ.

The temporomandibular joint connects your jaw to your skull. If this joint gets damaged, you might hear clicks when you open and close your mouth. In addition, you will also experience uncomfortable pain and muscle spasms.

Needless to say, TMJ issues are not fun. If you leave it untreated, it will get worse over time. Thankfully, there are some effective oral mandibular advancement devices like The Sweet Sleep can help you stop nocturnal teeth grinding. It can improve your sleep as well!

Severe Neck Pain

How about neck pain if jaw and teeth problems were not scary enough? Try clenching your jaw right now. Notice how you also use your neck muscles? Excessively grinding your teeth tightens the muscles on your neck and can cause it to ache.

And trust us, this can cause very uncomfortable neck pain and other medical complications. Teeth grinding leading to neck pain is not the most obvious thing to notice, which is why many people fail to realize that their neck pain is because of nighttime bruxism.


Teeth grinding also causes TTH – tension-type headaches. It is painful and feels like you have a tight band wrapped around your head. Tension-type headaches are one of the most common types of headaches.

TTH pain generates around the forehead or the sides of your head. Sometimes it can also be at the back of your head – which is the most annoying if you ask us.

Scientists still do not have an exhaustive list of possible causes for tension-type headaches. However, we are aware that bruxism is one of the causes. If you are suffering from TTH, treating your nocturnal teeth grinding will help.

Bonus: Random Pain Around the Facial Region

Nighttime bruxism puts unnecessary pressure on your teeth, face, and neck muscles. It can cause regional pain around your ears and face. Headaches are a major symptom too. But we will discuss more about that in a bit.

You might unknowingly rule out your ear aches being caused by nocturnal teeth grinding since they seem completely unrelated. However, bruxism is known to cause very irritating ear pain.

How To Find Your Grind Your Teeth?

Here is where things get tricky. The condition is called nocturnal teeth grinding – emphasis on the nocturnal part. If you have bruxism, you most likely grind your teeth while asleep.

This makes it very hard to realize that you are grinding your teeth. You might have some or all the health problems above. Yet, be completely unaware that your teeth grinding is causing them. Thankfully there are a couple of ways you can find out:

Have Someone Else Tell You

If your partner sleeps with you at night, they can tell you whether you grind your teeth. This is one of the easiest ways to determine whether you have bruxism.

Experiencing Symptoms

Another way you tell is if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms. Do you have a headache when you wake up? Or is your mouth irritated, or is your neck aching?

All these are telltale signs of bruxism. However, it can be easy to misdiagnose yourself as well. For example, you might have a headache just because you slept poorly. That is why going to a specialist is sometimes the best option.

Visit a Dentist

A dental check-up at least once a year is recommended regardless of any underlying issue. But many people do not visit the dentist and miss urgent dental situations.

If you suspect you are grinding your teeth but are unsure, a dental check-up is the best option. A dentist will check your teeth and mouth and look for signs of damage or any indications.

Wrapping Up

The bright side is you can do a couple of things to treat nocturnal teeth grinding. Now that you know some surprising health problems bruxism can cause, you should be even more aware of it.

If you are already experiencing any of the problems we mentioned above, it is best to take the time to diagnose whether you suffer from nocturnal teeth grinding.

Plastic surgery has long been associated with superficial improvements in appearance. However, in recent years, a paradigm shift has occurred in the perception of plastic surgery. Beyond enhancing physical aesthetics, plastic surgery now offers a range of holistic advantages that extend to emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. In this blog, we will delve into the multifaceted benefits of Sloane Square plastic surgeons, and plastic surgery and explore how it can positively impact a person’s life.

1. Boosting Self-Confidence

One of the most apparent benefits of plastic surgery is the boost in self-confidence it can provide. Whether it’s correcting a physical flaw or achieving a desired look, an improved appearance can have a profound effect on a person’s self-esteem. By addressing concerns that may have caused insecurity or distress, plastic surgery can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. Renowned clinics such as West Coast Plastic Surgery champion putting yourself at the top of your to-do list, helping patients start their journey towards their desired body and face

2. Enhancing Mental Health

Beyond physical appearance, plastic surgery has demonstrated positive effects on mental health. Many individuals who undergo procedures report reduced levels of anxiety, depression, and social phobia. Feeling content with one’s appearance can lead to a more positive outlook on life and improved mental well-being. However, it is essential to approach plastic surgery as one part of a broader mental health strategy, as it may not address deeper psychological issues.

3. Correcting Physical Discomfort

Plastic surgery is not always about aesthetics; it can also be a means to address physical discomfort and improve overall well-being. Procedures like rhinoplasty (nose surgery) can alleviate breathing difficulties, while breast reduction can relieve back and shoulder pain caused by the weight of overly large breasts. By addressing these physical issues, individuals can experience a significant improvement in their quality of life.

4. Encouraging a Healthier Lifestyle

Opting for plastic surgery often motivates individuals to adopt healthier lifestyle choices. After investing time, effort, and money into enhancing their appearance, many people are inspired to maintain the results through better eating habits, regular exercise, and overall self-care. This domino effect on lifestyle changes can lead to improved physical health and a higher sense of well-being.

5. Rejuvenating Effects on Aging

As people age, the natural process of skin sagging and loss of volume can lead to a tired and worn appearance. Plastic surgery procedures like facelifts and dermal fillers can offer rejuvenating effects, helping individuals look and feel younger. The emotional benefits of looking refreshed and revitalized extend far beyond the physical transformation, impacting social interactions and overall happiness.

6. Correcting Physical Abnormalities

Plastic surgery can be life-changing for individuals born with physical abnormalities or those who have suffered from disfiguring accidents. Procedures like cleft palate repair or scar revision can significantly improve a person’s quality of life and emotional well-being. The transformation goes beyond the physical aspect, allowing individuals to lead more fulfilling lives without the burden of their abnormalities.

7. Empowerment and Personal Growth

Embarking on a plastic surgery journey can be a transformative experience that encourages personal growth and empowerment. The decision to undergo a procedure often involves careful consideration, self-reflection, and the courage to take control of one’s life. As individuals take steps to achieve their desired appearance, they develop resilience, self-awareness, and a newfound sense of empowerment.

Plastic surgery has evolved from merely enhancing appearances to offering holistic advantages that touch various aspects of an individual’s life. From boosting self-confidence and improving mental health to addressing physical discomfort and empowering personal growth, the benefits of plastic surgery reach far beyond the surface. However, it is essential to approach plastic surgery with realistic expectations and prioritize mental and emotional well-being throughout the process. When considered mindfully, plastic surgery can be a valuable tool in achieving a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life.

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